Visual Basic Script (VBScript) : Full Tutorials


Microsoft’s VBScript (Visual Basic Script) is a scripting language used to create dynamic and interactive web pages. VBScript is a subset of Visual Basic, a more developed scripting language, and is commonly used on the Web as a client side scripting language and server-side processing in ASPs (Active Server Pages). The interpreted script language VBScript is designed for Web Browser interpretation. VBScript is similar to scripting languages, including; Netscape’s JavaScript, Sun Microsystem’s Tcl, IBM’s Rexx and the UNIX-derived Perl. These scripting languages have been designed to be used as an extension for html language. A Web Browser receives the scripts for websites through web page documents that are then parsed and processed. 

VBScript, like JavaScript (Jscript) is an ActiveX-enabled scripting language that connects to scripting hosts such as Internet Explorer and performs functions locally using the Windows Script Host (WSH). As a general rule, scripting languages are coded faster and simpler than in the compiled languages of C and C++. VBScript is structured and used with smaller programs with limited capability. Programmers, developers and IT professionals learning VBScript should also be familiar with ASP (Active Server Pages) and possess SQL Server commercial experience. Tutorials on VBScript include controlling script routines, working with objects, variables, forms and general VBScript information.

VB Script - Introduction

Vb Script tutorials will be covered in the following topics which are given below :

• What is VB Script ?
• Working with Variables?
• Objects and VB Script ?
• Controlling VB Script Routines ?
• Using VB Script with Forms?

In this tutorial you will learn about VB Script - What is VB Script ? Introduction, Description, How to Add VB script to web pages ? The Script Tag, How to handle Non Supporting Browsers and Conclusion

What is VB Script ?

Introduction :

VB Script is a scripting language developed by Microsoft. With the help of this scripting language you can make your web pages more dynamic and interactive.
VB Script is a light version of Visual basic and it has an easy syntax.

Description :

VB Script is widely used and most popular as a client side scripting language. In html language you use < and > around the tags. But you can use many tags inside one pair of < % and % >. For Printing a variable you can use < % = % >.

How to Add VB script to web pages ?

There are scripting languages like Javascript and Vbscript and they are designed as an extension to html language.The Web browsers like Microsoft Internet Explorer receives the scripts along with the rest of the web page document. It is the browser responsibility to parse and process the scripts. These scripts are widely used as a client side scripting languages. Now you will start learning how the Script language works and we will show you step by step . So just concentrate on the further topics.

The Script Tag

When ever you want to add scripts in your web pages you are preparing you have to use < script > starting tag and < / script > ending tag where the script is going to close. The example of this is shown below :

< html >
< head >
< title >vbscript example< /title >
< script language=”vbscript” >
Msgbox “Welcome to the world of VB Script”
< /script >
< /head >
< body >
< /body >
< /html >

I have used the example with a simple going “Welcome to the world of vbscript” as there is a tendency whenever a new learner is learning a new language we always welcome him.

Well, in the above example you have seen the language attribute. We have used VbScript as the scripting language.This Argument is required as there are more than one scripting language. Without the language argument, browser would not able to know if the text between the tags was vbscript or javascript or any other scripting language.

As the Script is totally dependent on the browser so next question arises is “ How to handle Non Supporting browsers”. If the client browser has disabled the script than your web page might now function properly. So for your advantage you can also the server side language. As the server side language is far from the scope of this tutorial.

How to handle Non Supporting Browsers

As not all browsers are compatible for scripting languages . As Vbscript is only supported by Microsoft Internet Explorer.So you might be thinking of the Non Supporting browsers. The Non Supporting browsers does not know how to handle this script part, so they will display all the script as part of your text on a web page. To resolve this Issue you can encase your script in the Comments tag as given in the below example.

< html >
< head >
< title >vbscript example< /title >
< script language=”vbscript” >
Msgbox “Welcome to the world of VB Script”
< /script >
< /head >
< body >
< /body >
< /html >

Now, When the Web browsers that does not support the scripting language will view your script as a comment and will simple ignore it.

The easiest way to learn any new language is to work on it.So we will use maximum examples so that you can practice more.

< html >
< head >
< title >First vbscript example< /title >

< /head >
< body >
< form name="firstexample" >
< Input type="button" name="cmdclickMe" value="Just Click" >
< SCRIPT FOR="cmdClickMe" EVENT="onClick" LANGUAGE="VBScript" >

MsgBox "A simple example of VBScript in action."


< /form >
< /body >< /html >

Save the above code with any name but with the extension .html and run it in your browser.You will see the result like in the below picture when you click button Just Click. This is functionality of the script.


As in the above example we have the script just after the html button created. But this is not the preferred approach and will lead to confuse state when the web pages are too large. So to avoid complexity and to ease the readablitiy of the web page document the below given approach is far 

< html >
< head >
< title >First vbscript example< /title >

Sub cmdclickMe_onClick

MsgBox "A simple example of VBScript in action."

End Sub


< /head >
< body >
< form name="firstexample" >
< Input type="button" name="cmdclickMe" value="Just Click" >

< /form >
< /body >< /html >

will explain you how it is working.The only difference of this code from the above code is that we have shifted our script tag to the head section in the html for easy readability. Just read the script tag here we have defined a sub procedure called cmdclickMe . This will be executed everytime the button is clicked as onClick event is attached with it. It means the script has to be executed everytime the button is clicked. Its simple.The output generated will be the same as in the previous example.


We have learned how to add script to the web pages.
How to make your script not available to the non supporting browsers.

VB Script - Working with Variables

In this tutorial you will learn about VB Script - Wroking with variables, Introduction, Description, Naming Conventions, Variants and its sub types, How to Assign values to a variable ? What is the scope of a variable ? Constants, Arrays and Conclusion.


A variable is a named location in your computer memory which can be used for data storage during the working of your vb scripts or any other language.Variables plays a vital role to store values . Variables can be defined further into two categories.
One is local variable and second are global variables. Local variables values will be only accessible in the part of the function in which that variable has been defined whereas global variable will be accessible in the whole program.


Variables store input from the user that is being collected via your web page. Please see the below example for a variable.

Sub cmdClickMe_onClick
Name=InputBox(“Please Enter your Name”)
MsgBox “ The Name you entered was “ & Name
End Sub

Now, in the above example the second line shows a variable with the name of “Name”. Here one Input box will be displayed to the user with a message Please enter your name and what ever entered by the user will be stored in a variable called Name and later on displayed to the user with the help of MsbBox function.

There is something left in the variables i.e How to declare a variable. There are two types in which variable is declared one is explicitly and one is implicitly. Well the preferred method is explicitly with the help of dim statement.

For ex. Dim age

Here we have declared variable with the name of age . In this way you can also declare multiple variable in a single line only.

For ex. Dim name,age,status,birthdate

The above given examples are of explicit declaration of the variables. For implicit declaration you can declare and use the variable at any time within your code.But the main disadvantage of implicit declaration is that it is very hard to debug the code when the error occurs. So in my opinion always prefer the variables to declare explicitly. There are some naming conventions attached when you declare a variable.

Naming Conventions

Whenever you want to declare a variable always follow below naming conventions.
  • The variables always begin with an alphabet instead of any number.
  • They should not contain spaces.
  • They must be unique in their names.
  • If you want to define a long name than always concatenate the names with and underscore.
Ex. Fname_Lname
Always start your variable name with capital alphabet letter and when the second word starts in the variable make it capital too.
They must not be larger than 255 characters in length.

Variants and its sub types

VbScript deals with a single datatype called variant. Datatype means the kind of the data a variable will store.It can be a character data,string data,number data , byte data and a Boolean data. But you don’t have to worry in Vb Script as it only has a datatype of variant to store any type of data.

Sub Type
True or False
Integers between –32768 and 32767
Long data between –2147483648 and 2147483647
Character Strings
Large Number with decimal points
No valid data
Monetary values
Integers from 0 and 255
Date and time
Large numbers with decimal points

How to Assign values to a variable ?

Simple you have to declare a variable name and assign any value.
For ex. Name = “Chandra”

Now all the above variables has been assigned values.This is a simple way to declare and assign related values to a variable.

What is the scope of a variable ?

The scope of a variable defines whether a variable will be accessible in the whole function or will be accessed only to its local instance.I have defined earlier in the tutorials that they can also be deemed as a local variables or can be deemed as a global variables.
For ex.

< script >
Dim name
Sub cmdclickme_OnClick
Dim age
End Sub
< / script >

It is clear from the above example about the scope of the variable that the variable name will be available to the whole script as it is declared outside sub procedure so enhance his behaviour to the global as compared to the variable name age which is defined inside the sub procedure hence making his behaviour local and will be only accessed in this sub procedure only.


Vb Scripts does not support constants. Constants are the values which are not changed throughout the program as you might have read in other programming languages.


If you have done any programming language you might have heard about the Arrays and VbScript positively supports arrays. You can declare any array with the help of dim statement.
For ex. Dim country(20)

The above array has been created with the 20 elements, it means you can easily store 20 elements and will be referred by a single name. These type of arrays are sometimes called fixed arrays.Arrays index always start from zero. As given in the above example we have declared an array of 20 elements but when you put the values or retrieve the values from the array you have to start from the index 0 to index 19.To store values in an array just follow the simple strategy.


Arrays too have a multi dimensions . To declare a multi dimensional array example is given below.Suppose you want to store a student name as well his/her age.To store the values in an array you have to reference both dimensions.

Dim nameage(30,0)=”Rahul”
Dim nameage(30,1)=”Mehta”
Dim nameage(30,2)=”Chandra”

As in the above example we know how many values will be stored in an array.But sometimes we don’t know how many values will be stored in an array than there arises a need for dynamic arrays.To declare a dynamic array see the below example.

Ex. Dim users()

In this way we can declare a dynamic array without initializing its size.But to change the size you can use the below given code.

Ex. Redim users(100)

In this way you can assign the size of the array. Now whenever you want to increase the size of the array again you must preserve the previous values you have stored in an array.To preserve the previous values use.

Redim Preserve users(100)

Example :

< HTML >
< HEAD >
< TITLE >vbscript example< / TITLE >
< ! -- Add this to instruct non-IE browsers to skip over VBScript modules.
Option Explicit

Sub cmdCalculate_OnClick
Dim AmountofTax
Dim Message
Dim Subtotal
Dim TotalCost

' Define our constant values.
TAX_RATE = 0.06
CRLF = Chr(13) & Chr(10)

' Perform order calculations.
Subtotal = Document.myform.txtQuantity.Value * Document.myform.txtUnitPrice.Value
AmountofTax = Subtotal * TAX_RATE
TotalCost = Subtotal + AmountofTax

' Display the results.
Message = "The total for your order is:"
Message = Message & CRLF & CRLF
Message = Message & "Subtotal:" & TABSPACE & "$" & Subtotal & CRLF
Message = Message & "Tax:" & TABSPACE & "$" & AmountofTax & CRLF
Message = Message & "Total:" & TABSPACE & "$" & TotalCost
MsgBox Message,,"Your Total"
End Sub
< /HEAD >
< BODY >
< FORM NAME="myform" >
< TR >
< TD >< B >Quantity:< /B >< /TD >
< TD >< INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="txtQuantity" SIZE=5 >< /TD >
< /TR >
< TR >
< TD >< B >Unit price:< /B >< /TD >
< TD >< INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="txtUnitPrice" SIZE=5 >< /TD >
< /TR >
< /TABLE >
< BR >
< INPUT TYPE="Button" NAME="cmdCalculate" VALUE="Calculate Cost" >
< /FORM >
< /BODY >
< /HTML >

The output on the browser would be as under :


Example :

< HTML >
< HEAD >
< TITLE >vbscript example< / TITLE >
< ! -- Add this to instruct non-IE browsers to skip over VBScript modules.
Option Explicit

Sub cmdCalculate_OnClick
Dim AmountofTax
Dim Message
Dim Subtotal
Dim TotalCost

' Define our constant values.
TAX_RATE = 0.06
CRLF = Chr(13) & Chr(10)

' Perform order calculations.
Subtotal = Document.myform.txtQuantity.Value * Document.myform.txtUnitPrice.Value
AmountofTax = Subtotal * TAX_RATE
TotalCost = Subtotal + AmountofTax

' Display the results.
Message = "The total for your order is:"
Message = Message & CRLF & CRLF
Message = Message & "Subtotal:" & TABSPACE & "$" & Subtotal & CRLF
Message = Message & "Tax:" & TABSPACE & "$" & AmountofTax & CRLF
Message = Message & "Total:" & TABSPACE & "$" & TotalCost
MsgBox Message,,"Your Total"
End Sub
< /HEAD >
< BODY >
< FORM NAME="myform" >
< TR >
< TD >< B >Quantity:< /B >< /TD >
< TD >< INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="txtQuantity" SIZE=5 >< /TD >
< /TR >
< TR >
< TD >< B >Unit price:< /B >< /TD >
< TD >< INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="txtUnitPrice" SIZE=5 >< /TD >
< /TR >
< /TABLE >
< BR >
< INPUT TYPE="Button" NAME="cmdCalculate" VALUE="Calculate Cost" >
< /FORM >
< /BODY >
< /HTML >

The output on the browser would be as under :



The commonly used operands are addition,subtraction, multiplication and subtraction. The result of calculations are stored in a variable called subtotal.All the calculations are than displayed by using the MsgBox function. The ampersand character is used to concatenate two strings.

Conclusion :

Till now you must have learn the types of variables the vbscript uses. How to declare variables and use it within the script and what a comment line in a script.

VB Script - Objects with VB Script

In this tutorial you will learn about VB Script - Objects with VB Script, Introduction, How to Add Objects to your web pages, How to Add Objects to your Web Pages and How to link Vb Script with Objects.
Objects which are in the form of ActiveX controls and java applets are useful for the enhancement of our web pages. By using a scripting languages like vbscript you can extend the capabilities of these controls by integrating in to scripts.

How to Add Objects to your web pages.

Objects are added to a web page with the < object > tag.There are some attributes to this < object > tag called < param > tags.

How to Add Objects to your Web Pages

The following below given example demonstrates how an ActiveX control might appear when added to a page.

< Object Id="lblstatus” width=54 height=20 ClassID="CLSID:978C9E23-D4BU-11CE-BF2D-00AA003F40D0” >
< Param name="Forecolor” value="0” >
< Param name="Backcolor” value="16777215” >
< Param name="Caption” value="Example of Vb script” >
< Param name="Size” value="1582;635” >
< Param name="Specialeffect” value="2” >
< Param name="fontheight” value="200” >
< Param name="Fontcharset” value="0” >
< /Object >

How to link Vb Script with Objects

When you add any control to your webpage, it can easily be configured, manipulated through its properties, methods and events.

Now the question arises, What are the properties.

Well Properties means the characteristics of an object. Properties can include items like caption, Background color, foreground color, font size, or the size. Next, questions arises in mind is What are methods.

If you had previously studies any programming language than you might be knowing what methods are. Methods can cause an object to perform a particular task and Events are the actions that are recognized by an object.For example : Submit button recognizes an OnClick event as we have used in our previous examples.

For example :
< script language=”Vbscript” >

Sub cmdCalculatesalary_onClick

Dim payrate,totpay,hoursworked

Hrsworked=InputBox(“Enter how many hours you have worked this week”)

Payrate=InputBox(“Enter to Pay rate”)

totpay=hrsworked * payrate


End Sub
< /script >

Now in the above example the caption is the property of lbltotpay and is used to set the results of our calculation.

Example :

< HTML >

< HEAD >
< TITLE >vbscript example< /TITLE >
< !-- Add this to instruct non-IE browsers to skip over VBScript modules.
Option Explicit

Sub cmdCalculate_OnClick
Dim AmountofTax
Dim Subtotal
Dim TotalCost

' Define our constant values.
TAX_RATE = 0.06

' Perform order calculations.
Subtotal = Document.myform.txtQuantity.Value * Document.myform.txtUnitPrice.Value
AmountofTax = Subtotal * TAX_RATE
TotalCost = Subtotal + AmountofTax

' Display the results.
Document.myform.lblSubtotal.Caption = Subtotal
Document.myform.lblTaxes.Caption = AmountofTax
Document.myform.lblTotalCost.Caption = TotalCost
End Sub
-- >
< /HEAD >

< BODY >
< FORM NAME="myform" >
< TR >
< TD >< B >Quantity:< /B >< /TD >
< TD >< INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="txtQuantity" SIZE=5 >< /TD >
< /TR >
< TR >
< TD >< B >Unit price:< /B >< /TD >
< TD >< INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="txtUnitPrice" SIZE=5 >< /TD >
< /TR >
< TR >
< TD >< INPUT TYPE="Button" NAME="cmdCalculate" VALUE="Calculate Cost" >< /TD >
< TD >< /TD >
< /TR >
< TR >
< TD >< B >Subtotal:< /B >< /TD >
< TD >
< OBJECT ID="lblSubtotal" WIDTH=45 HEIGHT=24
CLASSID="CLSID:978C9E23-D4B0-11CE-BF2D-00AA003F40D0" >
< PARAM NAME="ForeColor" VALUE="0" >
< PARAM NAME="BackColor" VALUE="16777215" >
< PARAM NAME="Caption" VALUE="" >
< PARAM NAME="Size" VALUE="1582;635" >
< PARAM NAME="SpecialEffect" VALUE="2" >
< PARAM NAME="FontHeight" VALUE="200" >
< PARAM NAME="FontCharSet" VALUE="0" >
< PARAM NAME="FontPitchAndFamily" VALUE="2" >
< PARAM NAME="FontWeight" VALUE="0" >
< /TD >
< /TR >
< TR >
< TD >< B >Taxes:< /B >< /TD >
< TD >
< OBJECT ID="lblTaxes" WIDTH=45 HEIGHT=24
CLASSID="CLSID:978C9E23-D4B0-11CE-BF2D-00AA003F40D0" >
< PARAM NAME="ForeColor" VALUE="0" >
< PARAM NAME="BackColor" VALUE="16777215" >
< PARAM NAME="Caption" VALUE="" >
< PARAM NAME="Size" VALUE="1582;635" >
< PARAM NAME="SpecialEffect" VALUE="2" >
< PARAM NAME="FontHeight" VALUE="200" >
< PARAM NAME="FontCharSet" VALUE="0" >
< PARAM NAME="FontPitchAndFamily" VALUE="2" >
< PARAM NAME="FontWeight" VALUE="0" >
< /TD >
< /TR >
< TR >
< TD >< B >Total Cost:< /B >< /TD >
< TD >
< OBJECT ID="lblTotalCost" WIDTH=45 HEIGHT=24
CLASSID="CLSID:978C9E23-D4B0-11CE-BF2D-00AA003F40D0" >
< PARAM NAME="ForeColor" VALUE="0" >
< PARAM NAME="BackColor" VALUE="16777215" >
< PARAM NAME="Caption" VALUE="" >
< PARAM NAME="Size" VALUE="1582;635" >
< PARAM NAME="SpecialEffect" VALUE="2" >
< PARAM NAME="FontHeight" VALUE="200" >
< PARAM NAME="FontCharSet" VALUE="0" >
< PARAM NAME="FontPitchAndFamily" VALUE="2" >
< PARAM NAME="FontWeight" VALUE="0" >
< /TD >
< /TR >
< /TABLE >
< /FORM >
< /BODY >

< /HTML >

The output on the browser would be as under:


Here the script has been modified to remove the MsgBox function and in its place we have set the caption property of the three label controls.See the statements we have used in the code.

' Display the results.
Document.myform.lblSubtotal.Caption = Subtotal
Document.myform.lblTaxes.Caption = AmountofTax
Document.myform.lblTotalCost.Caption = TotalCost

Just understand these points and you will be able to know how to reference a textbox or control.

Document means -- > Our web document

Myform means -- > The form on which Active X controls are placed.

LblTaxes -- > The name of the control.

Caption -- > The Property to set.

Hopefully now you are able to understand how to use the above statements in your vbscripts.

VB Script - Controlling VB Script Routines

In this tutorial you will learn about Controlling VB Script Routines, Introduction, VB Script Description, If then else, Select Case, Looping Statements - For Next, For Each Next, Do loop, Do While, Do Until, While wend and Conclusion.


Every programming language allows you to control the flow of your program like this VbScript also allows you to control how your scripts process the data by using conditional statements and iteration statements i.e sometimes called the looping statements. With the help of these conditional statements you can develop scripts that can evaluate data and you can use any criteria to determine what tasks can be performed. With the help of looping statements you can make your statements executes n number of times you want. You can create more functional pages with the help of this.


We will discuss all the conditional statements. If you are new to the language world than you can find this in every programming language.VbScript provides two forms of conditional statements.
1. If then else
2. Select case

If then else

If then else statement is used to evaluate a condition to see whether the statement is true or false and depending on the conditions the statement executes. The below is the defined example how you can use these conditions.
If totalamount > 20000 then
Discountamount = totalamount * .10

The explanation of the above example is as under.

In the above example statement is

If totalamount > 20000

Which checks that the total amount for which you have purchased is greater than 20000 or not.If the condition is true than you are eligible for the discount and the below given statement is executed.

Discountamount = totalamount * .10

Repeating the same example we are adding one more line to it.

If totalamount > 20000 then
Discountamount = totalamount * .10
Subtotal = totalamount – Discountamount
End If

All the statements will be executed if the condition is true and none of the statements will be executed if the condition is false.

Now we will be discussing If then else condition.Example is as under.

If totalamount > 20000 then
Discountamount = totalamount * .10
Subtotal = totalamount – Discountamount
Handlingfees = totalamount * .03
Subtotal= totalamount + Handlingfees
End If

The overview of this example is that, If the customer purchases items of more than 20000 than he is eligible for the discount of 10% and if totalamount is less than 20000 he is charged with the 3% of the handling fees.

Select Case

The Select case provides an alternative for If then else statements. When the conditions to be checked are more and it is quite complex to check it with If then else statements than you can choose the Select case to iterate that conditions.

The syntax is as under:

Select case condition
Case value
Case value
Case value
Case value
Case else
End Select

For example you want to set the shipping charges on the basis of state. It means every state are having different shipping charges. Now to handle this type of situation you can use select case statement.

Select case document.myform.txtstate.value
Case “ Florida”
Case “California”
Case else
Shippingcharges= .10
End Select

In the above example select statement checks each case until it finds its condition true and depending on the state it calculates the shippingcharges for that state. It no case is true than the condition of else will be true and that statement will be executed.

Looping Statements

VbScript provides four types of looping statements.
1. For Next
2. For Each Next
3. Do loop
4.While wend

For Next

It is used when you want to iterate the statements n number of times.You can increment or decrement it .The below given example explains you a simple loop.

For counter = 1 to 10
Tot= 5 * counter
MsgBox counter & “ multiply by 5 is “ & Tot
Next counter

The variable counter is taken as a numeric value . It can be incremented or decremented as per the requirement. The number 1 defines the starting point of the loop and number 10 defines the end of the loop. The output of the above example will be the product of multiples of table 5 .
If we take the another case.

For counter = 1 to 10 step 2
Tot= 5 * counter
MsgBox counter & “ multiply by 5 is “ & Tot
Next counter

In the above case step is used as 2 . It means the loop has to incremented by 2 and by default is 1.

For Each Next

For Each Next loop is similar to the For Next Loop but instead of repeating a loop for certain number of times , it repeats the loop for each member of a specified collection.

Do loop

The do loop condition statement is executed until a specified condition is met. The do loop are further categorized in to two :

Do While

Do loop that contains the while keyword is performed till the condition being tested is true. You can check the condition in the beginning.

Do While condition
Do While
Loop while condition

The difference between the above two formats are very simple. In the first format will never execute the statement including within its and the second format always perform its statement at least once.

Do Until

A do loop that contains the until keyword will continue to loop as long as the condition being tested is false. As with the help of do while statement you have the option to check the condition at the starting of the iteration.

Do until condition
Loop until condition


Pass = InputBox(“Please Enter your password”)
Do until pass=”whoami”
Msgbox “ Password Invalid – Please try again”
Pass = InputBox(“Please Enter your password”)

In the above example the user will be prompted to enter the password first time and if the user has correctly entered the password do until statement would never be executed. If the password entered by the user is wrong then the loop will start iterating till the correct password is not entered.

While wend

The while wend statement is executed till the condition being found is true. The syntax format is as under.

While condition


< HTML >
< HEAD >
< TITLE >vbscript example< /TITLE >
< !-- Add this to instruct non-IE browsers to skip over VBScript modules.
Option Explicit

Sub cmdCalculate_OnClick
Dim AmountofDiscount
Dim AmountofTax
Dim SubtotalBefore
Dim SubtotalAfter
Dim TotalCost

' Define our constant values.
TAX_RATE = 0.06

' Calculate the subtotal for the order.
SubtotalBefore = Document.myform.txtQuantity.Value * Document.myform.lblUnitCost.Caption

' Check to see if the order is large enough to offer discounts.
If (SubtotalBefore > DISCOUNT_LIMIT) Then
AmountofDiscount = SubtotalBefore * DISCOUNT_RATE
AmountofDiscount = 0
End If
SubtotalAfter = SubtotalBefore - AmountofDiscount

' Calculate taxes and total cost.
AmountofTax = SubtotalAfter * TAX_RATE
TotalCost = SubtotalAfter + AmountofTax

' Display the results.
Document.myform.lblSubtotalBefore.Caption = SubtotalBefore
Document.myform.lblDiscount.Caption = AmountofDiscount
Document.myform.lblSubtotalAfter.Caption = SubtotalAfter
Document.myform.lblTaxes.Caption = AmountofTax
Document.myform.lblTotalCost.Caption = TotalCost
End Sub

Sub cmbProducts_Change()
Select Case Document.myform.cmbProducts.Value
Case "NEC MultiSync E1100"
Document.myform.lblUnitCost.Caption = 1590
Case "NEC MultiSync P1150"
Document.myform.lblUnitCost.Caption = 880
Case "NEC MultiSync E750"
Document.myform.lblUnitCost.Caption = 1940
Case Else
Document.myform.lblUnitCost.Caption = 0
End Select
End Sub
-- >
< /HEAD >

< BODY >

< FORM NAME="myform" >
< TR >
< TD >< B >Monitor:< /B >< /TD >
< TD >
< OBJECT ID="cmbProducts" WIDTH=159 HEIGHT=24
CLASSID="CLSID:8BD21D30-EC42-11CE-9E0D-00AA006002F3" >
< PARAM NAME="DisplayStyle" VALUE="7" >
< PARAM NAME="Size" VALUE="4202;635" >
< PARAM NAME="FontHeight" VALUE="200" >
< PARAM NAME="MatchEntry" VALUE="1" >
< PARAM NAME="ShowDropButtonWhen" VALUE="2" >
< PARAM NAME="FontCharSet" VALUE="0" >
< PARAM NAME="FontPitchAndFamily" VALUE="2" >
< PARAM NAME="FontWeight" VALUE="0" >
< /TD >
< /TR >
< TR >
< TD >< B >Quantity:< /B >< /TD >
< TD >
< OBJECT ID="txtQuantity" WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=24
CLASSID="CLSID:8BD21D10-EC42-11CE-9E0D-00AA006002F3" >
< PARAM NAME="VariousPropertyBits" VALUE="746604571" >
< PARAM NAME="Size" VALUE="3037;635" >
< PARAM NAME="FontHeight" VALUE="200" >
< PARAM NAME="FontCharSet" VALUE="0" >
< PARAM NAME="FontPitchAndFamily" VALUE="2" >
< PARAM NAME="ParagraphAlign" VALUE="2" >
< PARAM NAME="FontWeight" VALUE="0" >
< /TD >
< /TR >
< TR >
< TD >< INPUT TYPE="Button" NAME="cmdCalculate" VALUE="Calculate Cost" >< /TD >
< TD >< /TD >
< /TR >
< TR >
< TD >< B >Unit Cost:< /B >< /TD >
< TD >
< OBJECT ID="lblUnitCost" WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=24
CLASSID="CLSID:978C9E23-D4B0-11CE-BF2D-00AA003F40D0" >
< PARAM NAME="ForeColor" VALUE="0" >
< PARAM NAME="BackColor" VALUE="16777215" >
< PARAM NAME="Caption" VALUE="" >
< PARAM NAME="Size" VALUE="1582;635" >
< PARAM NAME="SpecialEffect" VALUE="2" >
< PARAM NAME="FontHeight" VALUE="200" >
< PARAM NAME="FontCharSet" VALUE="0" >
< PARAM NAME="FontPitchAndFamily" VALUE="2" >
< PARAM NAME="ParagraphAlign" VALUE="2" >
< PARAM NAME="FontWeight" VALUE="0" >
< /TD >
< /TR >
< TR >
< TD >< B >Subtotal before discount:< /B >< /TD >
< TD >
< OBJECT ID="lblSubtotalBefore" WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=24
CLASSID="CLSID:978C9E23-D4B0-11CE-BF2D-00AA003F40D0" >
< PARAM NAME="ForeColor" VALUE="0" >
< PARAM NAME="BackColor" VALUE="16777215" >
< PARAM NAME="Caption" VALUE="" >
< PARAM NAME="Size" VALUE="1582;635" >
< PARAM NAME="SpecialEffect" VALUE="2" >
< PARAM NAME="FontHeight" VALUE="200" >
< PARAM NAME="FontCharSet" VALUE="0" >
< PARAM NAME="FontPitchAndFamily" VALUE="2" >
< PARAM NAME="ParagraphAlign" VALUE="2" >
< PARAM NAME="FontWeight" VALUE="0" >
< /TD >
< /TR >
< TR >
< TD >< B >Discount:< /B >< /TD >
< TD >
< OBJECT ID="lblDiscount" WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=24
CLASSID="CLSID:978C9E23-D4B0-11CE-BF2D-00AA003F40D0" >
< PARAM NAME="ForeColor" VALUE="0" >
< PARAM NAME="BackColor" VALUE="16777215" >
< PARAM NAME="Caption" VALUE="" >
< PARAM NAME="Size" VALUE="1582;635" >
< PARAM NAME="SpecialEffect" VALUE="2" >
< PARAM NAME="FontHeight" VALUE="200" >
< PARAM NAME="FontCharSet" VALUE="0" >
< PARAM NAME="FontPitchAndFamily" VALUE="2" >
< PARAM NAME="ParagraphAlign" VALUE="2" >
< PARAM NAME="FontWeight" VALUE="0" >
< /TD >
< /TR >
< TR >
< TD >< B >Subtotal after discount:< /B >< /TD >
< TD >
< OBJECT ID="lblSubtotalAfter" WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=24
CLASSID="CLSID:978C9E23-D4B0-11CE-BF2D-00AA003F40D0" >
< PARAM NAME="ForeColor" VALUE="0" >
< PARAM NAME="BackColor" VALUE="16777215" >
< PARAM NAME="Caption" VALUE="" >
< PARAM NAME="Size" VALUE="1582;635" >
< PARAM NAME="SpecialEffect" VALUE="2" >
< PARAM NAME="FontHeight" VALUE="200" >
< PARAM NAME="FontCharSet" VALUE="0" >
< PARAM NAME="FontPitchAndFamily" VALUE="2" >
< PARAM NAME="ParagraphAlign" VALUE="2" >
< PARAM NAME="FontWeight" VALUE="0" >
< /TD >
< /TR >
< TR >
< TD >< B >Taxes:< /B >< /TD >
< TD >
< OBJECT ID="lblTaxes" WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=24
CLASSID="CLSID:978C9E23-D4B0-11CE-BF2D-00AA003F40D0" >
< PARAM NAME="ForeColor" VALUE="0" >
< PARAM NAME="BackColor" VALUE="16777215" >
< PARAM NAME="Caption" VALUE="" >
< PARAM NAME="Size" VALUE="1582;635" >
< PARAM NAME="SpecialEffect" VALUE="2" >
< PARAM NAME="FontHeight" VALUE="200" >
< PARAM NAME="FontCharSet" VALUE="0" >
< PARAM NAME="FontPitchAndFamily" VALUE="2" >
< PARAM NAME="ParagraphAlign" VALUE="2" >
< PARAM NAME="FontWeight" VALUE="0" >
< /TD >
< /TR >
< TR >
< TD >< B >Total Cost:< /B >< /TD >
< TD >
< OBJECT ID="lblTotalCost" WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=24
CLASSID="CLSID:978C9E23-D4B0-11CE-BF2D-00AA003F40D0" >
< PARAM NAME="ForeColor" VALUE="0" >
< PARAM NAME="BackColor" VALUE="16777215" >
< PARAM NAME="Caption" VALUE="" >
< PARAM NAME="Size" VALUE="1582;635" >
< PARAM NAME="SpecialEffect" VALUE="2" >
< PARAM NAME="FontHeight" VALUE="200" >
< PARAM NAME="FontCharSet" VALUE="0" >
< PARAM NAME="FontPitchAndFamily" VALUE="2" >
< PARAM NAME="ParagraphAlign" VALUE="2" >
< PARAM NAME="FontWeight" VALUE="0" >
< /TD >
< /TR >
< /TABLE >
< /FORM >

< !--
Document.myform.cmbProducts.Additem "NEC MultiSync E1100"
Document.myform.cmbProducts.Additem "NEC MultiSync P1150"
Document.myform.cmbProducts.Additem "NEC MultiSync E750"
-- >
< /BODY >

< /HTML >

In the above example We have simply make use of select case statement to check the value of the control.The script is used to implement discounts by using constants values and by setting a discount limit of $ 1000 and a discount of 10%..We compare our subtotal amount against the discount limit If our amount is greater than the limit, the discount amount is calculated and stored in a variable and if it is less than or equal the discount amount is set to zero.

Conclusion :

Till now you must have known that how to use loops statements .Well they also provide you the flexibility to execute statements repetitively .

VB Script - How to use VBScript with Forms

In this tutorial you will learn about How to use VBScript with Forms. Introduction, How to do validate your Forms and Conclusion


Now this is the last topic of the tutorial and you will learn how to validate and submit the data to the web server.

How to do validate your Forms

The process to validate the forms are as under. The two things should be checked.

1. All of the required data is entered.

2. The data entered is valid or not.

We will learn this by an example.
< html >
< head >
< title > Vb Script example< /title >
< script language=”vbscript” >
Option Explicit
Sub cmdSubmit_onClick
‘ Check whether user has entered the required text or not.
If(Len(document.myform.txtage.value)= 0) then
MsgBox “Please enter your age before submitting.”
Exit Sub
End If

‘ Check the data entered is numeric or not.
If ( Not (IsNumeric(document.myform.txtage.value))) then
MsgBox “Please enter numeric data”
Exit Sub
End If

‘Check the range of the age
If (document.myform.txtage.value < 0) or (document.myform.txtage.value > 100) then
Msgbox “Age entered is Invalid.”
Exit Sub
End If

‘If all is fine submit the data
MsgBox “Thanks for providing your age.”
End sub

< /script >
< /head >
< body >
< form name=”myform” >
< table >
< tr >
< td >Please enter your age:< /td >
< td >< Input type=”text” name=”txtage” size=”2” >
< /tr >
< tr >
< td > < /td >
< td >< Input type=”Button” name=”cmdSubmit” value=”Submit” >< /td >
< /tr >
< /table >
< /form >
< /body >
< /html >

In the above example first we are checking whether the user has entered any value or not. If he has not entered any value we will prompt to enter any value. Second validation is that if he has entered any value , just check whether the data entered is numeric or not. If the data is not numeric prompt him to enter the numeric value otherwise move to next step. In the next step we are validating that the age value is entered as per the prescribed range or not.

At last if all the validations are met by the user , he will be shown a message that “Thanks for providing your age” and this data will be submitted to the web server.

Example :

< HTML >
< HEAD >
< TITLE >VBScript example< /TITLE >

< !-- Add this to instruct non-IE browsers to skip over VBScript modules.
Option Explicit

Sub cmdCalculate_OnClick
Dim AmountofDiscount
Dim AmountofTax
Dim SubtotalBefore
Dim SubtotalAfter
Dim TotalCost

If (Len(Document.myform.txtQuantity.Value) = 0) Then
MsgBox "You must enter a quantity."
Exit Sub
End If

If (Not IsNumeric(Document.myform.txtQuantity.Value)) Then
MsgBox "Quantity must be a numeric value."
Exit Sub
End If

If (Len(Document.myform.cmbProducts.Value) = 0) Then
MsgBox "You must select a product."
Exit Sub
End If

' Define our constant values.
TAX_RATE = 0.06

' Calculate the subtotal for the order.
SubtotalBefore = Document.myform.txtQuantity.Value * Document.myform.lblUnitCost.Caption

' Check to see if the order is large enough to offer discounts.
If (SubtotalBefore > DISCOUNT_LIMIT) Then
AmountofDiscount = SubtotalBefore * DISCOUNT_RATE
AmountofDiscount = 0
End If
SubtotalAfter = SubtotalBefore - AmountofDiscount

' Calculate taxes and total cost.
AmountofTax = SubtotalAfter * TAX_RATE
TotalCost = SubtotalAfter + AmountofTax

' Display the results.
Document.myform.lblSubtotalBefore.Caption = SubtotalBefore
Document.myform.lblDiscount.Caption = AmountofDiscount
Document.myform.lblSubtotalAfter.Caption = SubtotalAfter
Document.myform.lblTaxes.Caption = AmountofTax
Document.myform.lblTotalCost.Caption = TotalCost

End Sub

Sub cmdSubmit_onClick
' Submit this order for processing.
MsgBox "Your order has been submitted."
End Sub

Sub cmbProducts_Change()
Select Case Document.myform.cmbProducts.Value
Case "NEC MultiSync E1100"
Document.myform.lblUnitCost.Caption = 1590
Case "NEC MultiSync P1150"
Document.myform.lblUnitCost.Caption = 880
Case "NEC MultiSync E750"
Document.myform.lblUnitCost.Caption = 1940
Case Else
Document.myform.lblUnitCost.Caption = 0
End Select
End Sub

-- >

< /HEAD >

< BODY >
< FORM NAME="myform" >
< TR >
< TD >< B >Monitor:< /B >< /TD >
< TD >
< OBJECT ID="cmbProducts" WIDTH=159 HEIGHT=24
CLASSID="CLSID:8BD21D30-EC42-11CE-9E0D-00AA006002F3" >
< PARAM NAME="DisplayStyle" VALUE="7" >
< PARAM NAME="Size" VALUE="4202;635" >
< PARAM NAME="FontHeight" VALUE="200" >
< PARAM NAME="MatchEntry" VALUE="1" >
< PARAM NAME="ShowDropButtonWhen" VALUE="2" >
< PARAM NAME="FontCharSet" VALUE="0" >
< PARAM NAME="FontPitchAndFamily" VALUE="2" >
< PARAM NAME="FontWeight" VALUE="0" >
< /TD >
< /TR >
< TR >
< TD >< B >Quantity:< /B >< /TD >
< TD >
< OBJECT ID="txtQuantity" WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=24
CLASSID="CLSID:8BD21D10-EC42-11CE-9E0D-00AA006002F3" >
< param name="VariousPropertyBits" value="746604571" >
< param name="BackColor" value="2147483653" >
< param name="ForeColor" value="2147483656" >
< param name="MaxLength" value="0" >
< param name="BorderStyle" value="0" >
< param name="ScrollBars" value="0" >
< param name="DisplayStyle" value="1" >
< param name="MousePointer" value="0" >
< param name="Size" value="2646;635" >
< param name="PasswordChar" value="0" >
< param name="ListWidth" value="0" >
< param name="BoundColumn" value="1" >
< param name="TextColumn" value="65535" >
< param name="ColumnCount" value="1" >
< param name="ListRows" value="8" >
< param name="cColumnInfo" value="0" >
< param name="MatchEntry" value="2" >
< param name="ListStyle" value="0" >
< param name="ShowDropButtonWhen" value="0" >
< param name="ShowListWhen" value="1" >
< param name="DropButtonStyle" value="1" >
< param name="MultiSelect" value="0" >
< param name="Value" value >
< param name="Caption" value >
< param name="PicturePosition" value="458753" >
< param name="BorderColor" value="2147483654" >
< param name="SpecialEffect" value="2" >
< param name="Accelerator" value="0" >
< param name="GroupName" value >
< param name="FontName" value="MS Sans Serif" >
< param name="FontEffects" value="1073741824" >
< param name="FontHeight" value="200" >
< param name="FontOffset" value="0" >
< param name="FontCharSet" value="0" >
< param name="FontPitchAndFamily" value="2" >
< param name="ParagraphAlign" value="2" >
< param name="FontWeight" value="0" >
< /TD >
< /TR >
< TR >
< TD >< INPUT TYPE="Button" NAME="cmdCalculate" VALUE="Calculate Cost" >< /TD >
< TD >< /TD >
< /TR >
< TR >
< TD >< B >Unit Cost:< /B >< /TD >
< TD >
< OBJECT ID="lblUnitCost" WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=24
CLASSID="CLSID:978C9E23-D4B0-11CE-BF2D-00AA003F40D0" >
< param name="ForeColor" value="0" >
< param name="BackColor" value="16777215" >
< param name="VariousPropertyBits" value="8388635" >
< param name="Caption" value >
< param name="PicturePosition" value="458753" >
< param name="Size" value="2646;635" >
< param name="MousePointer" value="0" >
< param name="BorderColor" value="2147483654" >
< param name="BorderStyle" value="0" >
< param name="SpecialEffect" value="2" >
< param name="Accelerator" value="0" >
< param name="FontName" value="MS Sans Serif" >
< param name="FontEffects" value="1073741824" >
< param name="FontHeight" value="200" >
< param name="FontOffset" value="0" >
< param name="FontCharSet" value="0" >
< param name="FontPitchAndFamily" value="2" >
< param name="ParagraphAlign" value="2" >
< param name="FontWeight" value="0" >
< /TD >
< /TR >
< TR >
< TD >< B >Subtotal before discount:< /B >< /TD >
< TD >
< OBJECT ID="lblSubtotalBefore" WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=24
CLASSID="CLSID:978C9E23-D4B0-11CE-BF2D-00AA003F40D0" >
< param name="ForeColor" value="0" >
< param name="BackColor" value="16777215" >
< param name="VariousPropertyBits" value="8388635" >
< param name="Caption" value >
< param name="PicturePosition" value="458753" >
< param name="Size" value="2646;635" >
< param name="MousePointer" value="0" >
< param name="BorderColor" value="2147483654" >
< param name="BorderStyle" value="0" >
< param name="SpecialEffect" value="2" >
< param name="Accelerator" value="0" >
< param name="FontName" value="MS Sans Serif" >
< param name="FontEffects" value="1073741824" >
< param name="FontHeight" value="200" >
< param name="FontOffset" value="0" >
< param name="FontCharSet" value="0" >
< param name="FontPitchAndFamily" value="2" >
< param name="ParagraphAlign" value="2" >
< param name="FontWeight" value="0" >
< /TD >
< /TR >
< TR >
< TD >< B >Discount:< /B >< /TD >
< TD >
< OBJECT ID="lblDiscount" WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=24
CLASSID="CLSID:978C9E23-D4B0-11CE-BF2D-00AA003F40D0" >
< param name="ForeColor" value="0" >
< param name="BackColor" value="16777215" >
< param name="VariousPropertyBits" value="8388635" >
< param name="Caption" value >
< param name="PicturePosition" value="458753" >
< param name="Size" value="2646;635" >
< param name="MousePointer" value="0" >
< param name="BorderColor" value="2147483654" >
< param name="BorderStyle" value="0" >
< param name="SpecialEffect" value="2" >
< param name="Accelerator" value="0" >
< param name="FontName" value="MS Sans Serif" >
< param name="FontEffects" value="1073741824" >
< param name="FontHeight" value="200" >
< param name="FontOffset" value="0" >
< param name="FontCharSet" value="0" >
< param name="FontPitchAndFamily" value="2" >
< param name="ParagraphAlign" value="2" >
< param name="FontWeight" value="0" >
< /TD >
< /TR >
< TR >
< TD >< B >Subtotal after discount:< /B >< /TD >
< TD >
< OBJECT ID="lblSubtotalAfter" WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=24
CLASSID="CLSID:978C9E23-D4B0-11CE-BF2D-00AA003F40D0" >
< param name="ForeColor" value="0" >
< param name="BackColor" value="16777215" >
< param name="VariousPropertyBits" value="8388635" >
< param name="Caption" value >
< param name="PicturePosition" value="458753" >
< param name="Size" value="2646;635" >
< param name="MousePointer" value="0" >
< param name="BorderColor" value="2147483654" >
< param name="BorderStyle" value="0" >
< param name="SpecialEffect" value="2" >
< param name="Accelerator" value="0" >
< param name="FontName" value="MS Sans Serif" >
< param name="FontEffects" value="1073741824" >
< param name="FontHeight" value="200" >
< param name="FontOffset" value="0" >
< param name="FontCharSet" value="0" >
< param name="FontPitchAndFamily" value="2" >
< param name="ParagraphAlign" value="2" >
< param name="FontWeight" value="0" >
< /TD >
< /TR >
< TR >
< TD >< B >Taxes:< /B >< /TD >
< TD >
< OBJECT ID="lblTaxes" WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=24
CLASSID="CLSID:978C9E23-D4B0-11CE-BF2D-00AA003F40D0" >
< param name="ForeColor" value="0" >
< param name="BackColor" value="16777215" >
< param name="VariousPropertyBits" value="8388635" >
< param name="Caption" value >
< param name="PicturePosition" value="458753" >
< param name="Size" value="2646;635" >
< param name="MousePointer" value="0" >
< param name="BorderColor" value="2147483654" >
< param name="BorderStyle" value="0" >
< param name="SpecialEffect" value="2" >
< param name="Accelerator" value="0" >
< param name="FontName" value="MS Sans Serif" >
< param name="FontEffects" value="1073741824" >
< param name="FontHeight" value="200" >
< param name="FontOffset" value="0" >
< param name="FontCharSet" value="0" >
< param name="FontPitchAndFamily" value="2" >
< param name="ParagraphAlign" value="2" >
< param name="FontWeight" value="0" >
< /TD >
< /TR >
< TR >
< TD >< B >Total Cost:< /B >< /TD >
< TD >
< OBJECT ID="lblTotalCost" WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=24
CLASSID="CLSID:978C9E23-D4B0-11CE-BF2D-00AA003F40D0" >
< param name="ForeColor" value="0" >
< param name="BackColor" value="16777215" >
< param name="VariousPropertyBits" value="8388635" >
< param name="Caption" value >
< param name="PicturePosition" value="458753" >
< param name="Size" value="2646;635" >
< param name="MousePointer" value="0" >
< param name="BorderColor" value="2147483654" >
< param name="BorderStyle" value="0" >
< param name="SpecialEffect" value="2" >
< param name="Accelerator" value="0" >
< param name="FontName" value="MS Sans Serif" >
< param name="FontEffects" value="1073741824" >
< param name="FontHeight" value="200" >
< param name="FontOffset" value="0" >
< param name="FontCharSet" value="0" >
< param name="FontPitchAndFamily" value="2" >
< param name="ParagraphAlign" value="2" >
< param name="FontWeight" value="0" >
< /TD >
< /TR >
< TR >
< TD >< INPUT TYPE="Button" NAME="cmdSubmit" VALUE="Submit Order" >< /TD >
< TD >< /TD >
< /TR >
< /TABLE >
< /FORM >

< !--
Document.myform.cmbProducts.Additem "NEC MultiSync E1100"
Document.myform.cmbProducts.Additem "NEC MultiSync P1150"
Document.myform.cmbProducts.Additem "NEC MultiSync E750"
-- >
< /BODY >

< /HTML >

The output on the browser would be as follows.




In the scripting part we have validated the Quantity field and determined that whether the user has entered some value or not. We have used the inbuilt vbscript function called Len which checks the length of the user input and compares.If the length comes to zero the user is prompted with the message. Second part we have checked for the numeric value whether the user has entered a numeric value or not. If we have passed all those values than the cost of the order is calculated and displayed.


This all wraps up our vbscript tutorials . Till now you must be aware of the basics and how to use vbscript with your web pages.

Rewrite ; Source article 
accessed on Agustus, 19 2016.

Good Luck !!!

Thanks for visit 
Visual Basic Script (VBScript) : Full Tutorials Visual Basic Script (VBScript) : Full Tutorials Reviewed by Maulpetru on 2:42 AM Rating: 5

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